CIRCOSCOPE: The Waiting Place

Two shows only!


Suitable for: All ages

Perfect for: All Ages

We arrive at a place at no fixed time; no fixed address and we aren't quite sure what's next. There are other people here - what's their deal? What's ours? and what's to be done?

Everyone is just waiting. But that's no reason to be bored! 

This is a brand new Canberra Circus company launching their premiere work. Find yourself mesmerised by this fun, funny, charming and thoughtful work of live circus, live music, and live visual art! Handmade hand-to-hand meets polish, spit, and elbow greasein this whimsical romp for all ages.



  • Suited to all ages.
  • Live and recorded speech and recorded music feature throughout
  • Audience has opportunities to participate in performance.
  • Ensemble cast, mixed genders.
  • Performance can get loud, may encourage audience participation.
  • Audience members encouraged to notify usher at entrance if they need to be seated near exits.
  • Spaces for Wheelchair users
  • Disability access toilets directly adjacent to venue.
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