ROOKE Presents:


2 Shows Only! Sat 27th and Sun 29th, 7pm


Interloper - (ˈɪntələʊpə)- One that jumps into the midst of things without an invitation to do so.

An exploration of belonging, connection, humanity and identity in this new world we are all coming to terms with.

These five will drop your jaw to the floor, then pick it back up for a good laugh, only to take your breath away all over again.

The arrival of an uninvited stranger; a complex individual with baggage and wisdom, love and depth, struggles and triumphs. Interloper invites you to walk into a world you never knew existed, a place of harmonious dissonance.

Using circus as our tool, ROOKE will reimagine what all of this means in 2022. A blurring of genres, a destruction of stereotypes, a welcoming for humankind into this new era.

ROOKE is a contemporary circus company, based in Northern lutruwita/Tasmania, creating cutting-edge circus work to engage, inspire, transport and uplift local audiences.

Every ROOKE performance feels like a party, every attendee is invited to come back, again and again and every ROOKE experience will change your mind about circus.

ROOKE was founded by five world class circus artists, with a combined performance experience of over 120 years. We formed ROOKE out of a desire to create high quality circus in a more sustainable way.


These performers have such pleasure in each other’s work, share joy in performing the show, and approach their audience with generosity and love: all of which magnifies the audiences already high levels of enjoyment.

...Interloper is a celebration of human connection; an hour of wonder and joy. It’s a generous show that earns loving and enthusiastic applause." - Artshub

Accessibility Information

  • Suited to all ages.
  • NO Dialogue.
  • Recorded music features throughout
  • NO audience participation.
  • Ensemble cast; mixed genders
  • Audience members encouraged to notify usher at entrance if they need to be seated near exits.
  • Spaces for Wheelchair users
  • Disability access toilets directly adjacent to venue.

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