CCF25: The Drawing Show

(a variety show hosted by a drawing that has come to life and needs your help to colour it in and learn about the world)

Two shows only! Oct 4, 12.30 pm, 9pm

Linus the Line

Suitable For: ALL AGES

Perfect For: Fans of Breathtaking Physical Skill, Music, Performance Art, Contemporary Circus, Thoughtful Subject Matter

ADELAIDE FRINGE 2023 - Arts SA Edinburgh Fringe Award

ADELAIDE FRINGE 2023 - Best Circus Weekly

Oat Milk & Honey is an avant-garde blend of poetic music and breathtaking acrobatics performed by two of Australia's leading performing artists, elegantly reflecting on the raw human experience of anxiety. By tightly interweaving an elite performance of music and acrobatics, Oat Milk & Honey provides a sophisticated, safe space to laugh, cry, breathe, and heal.

Statistics collected by Beyond Blue show that approximately 1 in 7 Australians are currently experiencing an anxiety condition. This work is dedicated to anyone who has ever felt anxiety, loved someone with anxiety, or cared for someone with anxiety.

Presented by:
Mo-Ko Piano & Circus

Mo-Ko Piano & Circus is South Australia's freshest creative company, co-founded by Filipino/Australian musician Nathan Chettle and Australian acrobat Amanda Lee.

Spending the most recent years of their careers working as ensemble artists with internationally renowned companies such as Circa Contemporary Circus and Gravity & Other Myths, as well as supporting artists such as multi-grammy award nominated Hiatus Kaiyote, artists Lee and Chettle have joined forces to create a new kind of collaboration.

Mo-Ko focuses on an exciting approach to the co-performance of music

and movement by creating the content of both mediums simultaneously, presenting a tightly interwoven display of artistic expression.

Mo-Ko is driven to inspire social change through their work.


  • Suited to all ages.
  • Minimal recorded speech and live piano music features throughout
  • No Audience Participation
  • Two performers, one female, one male.
  • Audience members encouraged to notify usher at entrance if they need to be seated near exits.
  • Spaces for Wheelchair users
  • Disability access toilets directly adjacent to venue.

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